The Boys and Girls Club will continue its emphasis on providing physical fitness opportunities for the youth of Coupeville by sponsoring a flag football league this fall. The four-week activity will run Sept. 18 to Oct. 11 with the help of volunteers from the Coupeville High School football team and coaching staff. “We will have a weekly practice/clinic each Thursday night starting Sept. 18,” said Unit Director Jamie Scharich. The kids will be divided into two divisions: one for third and fourth graders and the other for fifth and sixth graders. Games will be played on Saturday afternoons to avoid conflicts with morning soccer matches.
In addition to the flag football program, the club will continue to run youth basketball this winter. Other physical activities are sprinkled consistently throughout the year. “There is so much research out there that supports the relationship between physical play and learning,” Scharich said. “I also know that it is through physical play that we can help kids learn life lessons: winning and losing gracefully, sportsmanship, endurance and perseverance.” Among the activities this summer were a Flag Football Day, an Olympic Day, a week-long unit on music and movement and a weekly dose of Triple Play, which includes running, jumping and games to promote a healthy lifestyle. Read more at the Widbey Examiner.